Deputy Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ms. Maria Helena Semedo, and the Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Water and Climate Coalition Leaders, Mr. Sulton Rahimzoda, discussed issues of promoting the results of the UN 2023 Water Conference within the framework of COP28.
In particular, the parties informed each other about the measures they are taking in this direction and exchanged views on opportunities for joining efforts to implement the Water-Resilient Food Systems Initiative, including organizing a ministerial meeting within the framework of COP 28 and developing a 2-year Work Program on this theme.
In addition, other areas of possible interaction between the parties within the framework of international and global water-related processes were discussed.
As a result of the meeting, parties expressed readiness for mutual support and closer cooperation to solve the ambitious tasks.
The meeting took place on 3 October 2023 at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy.